We had a great experience at the annual MBPN conference at the Kellogg Center in Lansing this weekend. It was amazing how many people are unaware of our gem of a park and barn! Our display seemed to draw the most attention with folks stopping by to ask and learn about our project.
Pam, Ted, Jay, Steve, Tim, Dick, and Chris all met and greeted a lot of interested people. The event for us was very much a "get out the word" opportunity.
Our themed "Edsel Ford Lost Treasure!" display was great. I think visitors could really feel our passion and enthusiasm about the project. We had "Promos" on DVD playing in the center of the display also.
It was a real surprise to receive an unexpected "Certificate of Appreciation" for our efforts to preserve the barn... Dick Russel accepted the certificate for the Friends.
The large graphics in our display that were designed by Chris and printed by Larry were awesome to say the least!
Bring on the next opportunity! We're ready!