Haven Hill Road Work Day, Sunday September 13
/The Friends of Highland Recreation Area (FOHRA) are sponsoring a big volunteer work day on Sunday, September 13 to clean and repair the Haven Hill Road up to the Edsel Ford Carriage House and Lodge footprint. FOHRA will soon receive the Lease of the historic Haven Hill structures, which will include the road up to the top of the hill and the parking area below the lodge location. The work day will be a continuation of the group's efforts to rehabilitate the beautiful road up Haven Hill. Come on out and help!
Come out to Highland State Recreation Area anytime between 9 and 4 pm that Sunday to help. Rakes, shovels, scrapers, and other yard tools will be helpful. Wear gloves for sure, and work clothes and insect spray are also a smart idea.
To reach the work party, enter the Highland Recreation Area off of M-59 in White Lake. Drive Haven Hill Road past the Goose Meadow Picnic area, and past the Crown V Ranch entrance. The next right-hand turn is the continuation of Haven Hill Road. Park in the lot on the left and walk west to the Haven Hill road gate past the MDNR maintenance complex. FOHRA volunteer vehicles will be visible all around.
Water, soda pop, and snack foods will be provided all day by FOHRA for a small donation. Volunteers, new members, donors, everyone is welcome to attend!
Visit the FOHRA Website for more info.