Head on over to Waterford Historical Society's Log Cabin Days this Saturday and Sunday to celebrate the anniversary of Michigan's statehood.
The Waterford Historical Society's Historic Village is located in Fish Hatchery Park @ 4490 Hatchery Road,Waterford, Michigan. Crescent Lake Road is a nearby cross street.
Make sure to visit the Friends of Highland Recreation Area booth to join our efforts at Highland State Recreation Area and to see some wonderful photos of our own "Log Cabin" the Edsel and Eleanor Ford Haven Hill Carriage House.

Walk the grounds of the Waterford Historical Society's Historic Village and see their original 1930's log cabin, Jacobers' General Store, a 1957 Grand Trunk Caboose, the Drayton Plains Depot, a water tower, Hardware Store, Print Shop, Carriage House, Dr.Dentist Office, Bakery, Barber Shop, and Millinery.

FOHRA members will be handing out fliers and information for this summers' Haven Hill Festival to be held Saturday, August 28 at the Goose Meadow in Highland State Recreation ARea. Drop on by and give us a shout!

Visit www.FOHRA.org and www.havenhillfestival.com for more information.